HEP-Gas Osijek
Pilot project of remote readings of the G4 gas meter
In agreement with HEP-Plin from Osijek, just after the first Sigfox access point (base station) was set up in Osijek, we have the ability to connect impulse sensors to Elster G4 gas meters, placed in cabinets in front of residential buildings, which will count impulses from the gas meter and transmit the consumption information over the Sigfox network. We have provided access to the application for HEP-Plin, which presents and processes data from all sites, created by Zagreb company IOTnet, which is also Sigfox Network Operator for Croatia. Impulse sensors are manufactured in the Czech Republic, by Codea company. As this pilot installation has been in operation for nearly a year, we can be happy to say that all devices are working great and that data transfer via Sigfox network is extremely reliable.